Category Archives: Granitecon

“Hello, MU/TH/ER. It’s me, Drew.”:A Q&A with Andrew E.C. Gaska – GraniteCon@Home

Andrew E.C. Gaska is the gold Ennie and UKGE Award-winning settings and adventure writer for the ALIEN Role Playing Game, Drew is a creative director, designer, and sci-fi author with twenty years of industry experience. He is a freelance consultant to 20th Century Fox, maintaining continuity and canon bibles for Alien, Predator, and Planet of the Apes. For seventeen years he consulted for Rockstar Games on titles such as Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption. Drew has written two Planet of the Apes novels and is also the Senior Development Editor for Lion Forge Animation. He lives beneath a pile of action figures with his glutenous feline, Adrien.

Victory Condition Gaming